Dr X
By Sarah Jackson
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We belong dead, you said, and I was shocked
that you had seen my secret feeling.
I thought it was love; two monsters, together,
so I allowed you to shape me.
But you’re a reverse Pygmalion,
you turned me to marble, buried my softness,
drowned me in a block of stone.
Or you’re the anti Frankenstein:
extracting my electricity in violent arcs
then distributing my body parts.
Why do you want me like this?
You’re a shrinking ray
and I’m lost, somewhere in your blood stream
knocking myself senseless against your grasping heart.
Is this what you imagined love would be? Unmaking me?
So unbolt me, take me apart, melt me down.
Tear the animal out of me, until
I’m just an empty human pelt.
But this is my story.
The marble melts, my skin crackles,
I’m growing, I’m dancing,
my fur ripples, sparkled with lightning.
You can run but I’ll find you,
and my laser eyes will
•   •   •
Sarah Jackson's work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Translunar Travelers Lounge, and Electric Spec. She's also the editor of Inner Worlds magazine. Her website is sarah-i-jackson.ghost.io and you can find her on Mastodon as sarahijackson@wandering.shop

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